Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First set up the correct terms

First set up the correct terms, joking family should learn some plain managing finances knowledge, to develop a monthly financial plan, gradually change too recklessly no-limits spending habits. It now appears that in the consumer society, control consumption consideration is very necessary. Modern social employment pressure increase, young people generally face future employment and income uncertainty risk, should monthly living consumption control in 1000 yuan.

Professional financial planers suggestion will rest wages to invest in some realizable ability stronger, the stability is good financial products, such as now popular fund to be cast surely, monthly salary deducted hundreds of or so, the risk does not high cost, and certain profit.

And write down a possible concrete financial goals, monthly income in as far as consumption, deposit, investment proportion 1:2:1 practices. Expert proposal, GongXinCeng family 4321 financial law, usable income can be used to house 40% of the investment, 30% for family living expenses, and 20 percent for deposit, 10% for funds, insurance, investment. (guo surplus

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